Reasons For The Police To Reject The New Report Of The Family Of Disruption Tragedy

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police rejected a new report from the family regarding allegations of violence against children and women in the series of Kanjuruhan Tragedy. The reason is that there is a point of case that is currently still rolling in the trial stage.

"It does not provide recommendations for the issuance of the Police Report again because the legal process is still ongoing so that it has not been Incraht (with permanent legal force)," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan in his statement, Tuesday, April 11.

The main case of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy has not yet had permanent legal force because the public prosecutor (JPU) filed an appeal for the acquittal given by the panel of judges at the Surabaya District Court to the two defendants.

They are, former Head of Samapta Malang Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi and former Head of Malang Police Ops AKP Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranowo.

Even for the other three defendants. The prosecutor filed an appeal for them because they were sentenced lightly.

The three of them, among others, were former Danki Brimob Polda Jatim AKP Hasdarmawan who was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison. Then, former Chairman of the Arema Panel FC Abdul Haris was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months.

There was also Suko Sutrisno as the Security Officer who was sentenced to 1 year in prison.

Ramadhan continued, the decision to reject the report was said to be in accordance with the mechanism. This is because they had consulted with members of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri regarding the legal steps they took.

"After consultation by the picket officer of the Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri," said Ramadhan.


Previously reported, Bareskrim Polri rejected the reporting of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Pos Malang related to violence against children in the series of deadly tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium. The reason is that there is some post-mortem evidence that is a condition for incomplete reporting.

"We want to make a new report, only unfortunately after a long discussion and tough with the Police, from the SPKT as well, it rejects the report we submitted," said Malang Post LBH Coordinator, Daniel Siagian.

The basis for the reporting is because of 135 victims, 44 of them are children and women. However, the trial process does not use child protection laws. Because, only using Articles 359 and 360 of the Criminal Code.