JAKARTA - Global advertising company AdColony in its latest study says 42 out of 100 people play mobile games at least once a day. The study was conducted by AdColony involving 1.250 people from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Cited from Yeni Safak, Monday, May 10, the study also mentioned 88 out of 100 people play mobile games, not computer games or others.

In that context, those involved in the study mentioned that playing games have become a part of their daily lives.

Moderately, the time spent playing the game is increasing by the day. Nearly 70 percent of respondents in Africa even play games for more than three hours a week.

Not only that, the reason for playing the game is also researched by AdColony. They found more than 80 percent of respondents said playing the game was because the mood was good. The rest of them play games to fill their free time to make it more fun.

Another fact obtained from the research is that not only young people who like to play games. Nearly 80 percent of adults play games in Turkey.

An action-adventure game that became a favorite game for Turkish gamers. In addition, research reveals mobile game ads to be the largest socializing tool for online stores.

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