JAKARTA - The singer-writer of the Batak pop song, Jack Marpaung, who died on Sunday, January 5, was buried this afternoon in San Diego Hills, Karawang, today Thursday, January 9.
The burial of the Batak pop legend was attended by family, relatives and people who knew him well.
Jack's eldest son who is also a singer, Novita Dewi, said that the selection of San Diego Hills as the final resting place was a request from her mother.
"This is a request from mami. Wherever is papa," said Dewi.
He continued, "The fire said, 'I don't have to be too much, what I need you guys to be good, so I'm proud of papa.' Papi never asked for luxury, luxury, how about it, never
However, Dewi said that the family had agreed to choose San Diego Hills as her father's funeral.
Papi is a simple person. Papi asks for a simple one, it can be more than simple. So, no need to ask for luxury. I learned a lot from papa. And I inherit the nature of papa. Who doesn't like money, right, but papa is one example as it is, doesn't like it too luxurious, but God always gives more," he said.
Furthermore, Dewi hopes that the protection of the Creator will always be with the bereaved family.
"Yes, I pray for myself, especially for my mother, so that we are strengthened. Don't because of our grief, we forget that God still exists, to give days of joy," he concluded.
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