JAKARTA - YouTube's senior staff are reportedly worried that its TikTok competitor, Shorts, could undermine long-form content that has been the main source of revenue for nearly two decades. This was reported by The Financial Times recently.

As the FT explains, YouTube's ad revenue, although it has recently seen an increase, has decreased from year to year for three consecutive quarters.

YouTube is still looking for ways to generate more money from Shorts ads. Long-form content allows it to show more ads per video, but as short-form content gradually takes over, content creators themselves upload fewer long-form videos. The FT report also highlighted YouTube's senior staff concerns regarding internal figures.

However, whether YouTube's senior staff like it or not, YouTube should support Shorts as it gets more and more popular. In maintaining its quality, this adds to features such as a summary of AI and NFL highlights, even making compromises elsewhere in Google's business to keep other industries in support of the service.

It also means investing in Shorts creators and incentiveing them to create exclusive content for YouTube services.

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