JAKARTA - Singer Lesti Kejora told about the moment she suddenly contracted at 33 weeks of pregnancy. He said this happened right at the moment of the turn of last year.
"If someone notices that you are live, on New Year's Eve, I suddenly gave the code to Mr. RB (Rizky Billar), mules alias contraction," Lesti said as quoted by VOI from YouTube Leslar Entertainment, Friday, January 3.
At first, Lesti thought that the contraction was only a fake contraction. But until the next morning he still felt a contraction.
Finally Lesti and Rizky Billar decided to go to the hospital to check his condition.
"In the morning I thought there was no feeling it was back, it turned out to be there. Yes, I was told to go to the ER with the doctor," he said.
Rizky Billar explained that his wife did have a history of premature childbirth, aka being born before her time or less than 37 weeks.
However, he said that the moment of contraction of their second child was earlier than their first child at the age of 34 weeks pregnant.
"Because Lesti has a premature history. Now she is 33 weeks pregnant, younger," explained Rizky Billar.
Seeing this, Rizky Billar asked him to make the moment of pregnancy until birth run smoothly.
"Anyway, whatever happens, just pray, whatever happens, it means that it is the best destiny that God has given us," he said.
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