The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) is waiting for an official letter from the Government of Saudi Arabia regarding restrictions on elderly pilgrims who are allowed to attend the pilgrimage.

The Director General (Dirjen) of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) of the Ministry of Religion Hilman Latief said the Saudi Arabian government plans to limit pilgrims by not allowing the departure of pilgrims aged 90 years and over.

"Maybe there are not many numbers, but temporary formations, they may limit the congregation by not giving permission to the congregation over 90 years. The letter will be sent soon," Hilman said in a meeting with the Working Committee (Panja) for the Hajj Implementation Fee (BPIH) 1446 Hijri/2025 AD Commission VIII DPR reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.

So far, according to him, Indonesia is still dispatching elderly pilgrims, such as those who reach the age of 100 years.

"Because yesterday the 100 years were still with us," he said.

In addition to limiting elderly pilgrims, Hilman revealed that the Government of Saudi Arabia also plans to limit the percentage of elderly pilgrims between the ages of 70 or 80 years and over.

"There is also a limit on the percentage of elderly pilgrims between the age of 70 or 80 years and over. This is what we are waiting for (official letter). Hopefully, because we have a priority for the elderly of 10 percent, we are combing again," he said.

It is known that in Hajj 2025, the departure of the first flying group (kloter) of Indonesian pilgrims is planned to take place from 2 to 16 May 2025.

"God willing, on May 2' 16 the departure of the first batch of pilgrims. So on the 1st, the congregation has entered the dormitory and the departure of the pilgrims from Mecca to Arafah is June 4," said Hilman Latief in a Hearing Meeting on Hajj 2025 held by the Working Committee on the Cost of Organizing Hajj (BPIH) 1446 Hijriah/2025 AD Commission VIII DPR on Thursday (2/1).

Meanwhile, he said, the departure of the last wave of Indonesian pilgrims to the Holy Land on May 31, 2025.

"Closing date 31 May 2025.Closing date no longer has flights on May 31, 2025," said Hilman.

The peak of the pilgrimage will be held on June 5, 2025.

"The peak of the wuhkuf hajj in Arafah on June 5, so the congregation will leave for Arafah on June 4, 2025. Its Eid al-Adha on June 6 (10 Zulhijah) hopefully there will be no shift in date," he said.

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