JAKARTA - The 2023 U-17 World Cup will be held from November 10 to December 2, 2023. However, many have questioned Indonesia's preparation for holding a major event in this age group.

Moreover, there are still many notes given by the International Football Federation (FIFA) to the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) regarding venue candidates. Apart from the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), several shortcomings are also owned by the Solo Manahan Stadium.

PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir ensured that all preparations related to the implementation of the U-17 World Cup in Indonesia were carried out according to the target. Erick explained that preparations are now focused on adding training fields and stadium facilities, especially in West Java, Jakarta, and Solo.

"In Solo itself, we have additional training opportunities because there will also be used for final, semifinal, and last eight matches," Erick said, as quoted by Antara.

Apart from Solo, West Java and Jakarta also added training opportunities for U-17 World Cup participants. In Jakarta, the training fields prepared as additional locations are Sumantri Brojonegoro Stadium and Banteng Field.

In addition to adding field for training, preparations for the U-17 World Cup also focus on replacing grass for the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). Based on recommendations from FIFA, JIS must replace grass so that it is in accordance with the standards for organizing the World Cup.

According to Erick, grass replacement at JIS is being carried out and it is hoped that it can be completed on time.

"From yesterday's JIS, I received a report that the grass had started to be dismantled to fill up new grass. Indeed, we are adjusting it to the quality expected (from FIFA)," said Erick.

In addition to replacing grass, preparations at JIS are also related to improving access to stadiums.

Erick also invited all parties not to polemic about all improvement processes related to the U-17 World Cup. According to him, this is not the time to argue but work together for the success of Indonesia as the host of the U-17 World Cup.

"I haven't checked the field regarding the construction of access from JIS to Ancol for parking crossings. But I ask for your cooperation, now is not the time for us to polemic. The important thing is that we as hosts must prepare this well. And I apologize if I thought before I made it up, I didn't make it up. I actually want us to be good hosts," said the former Inter Milan president.

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