YOGYAKARTA For the sake of security, it is important for parents to consider their child's safety. Especially when inviting children to travel by car. It is important to know, how old children can sit in the front car seat while driving with their parents. Experts recommend that children aged less than 13 should not sit in the front seat of the car. The reason is that the children's musculoskeletal system is still growing at the age of 13 years so that it is prone to injury when an accident occurs. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reported by Parents, Friday, January 3, recommending that all children aged 12 years and under sit in the back seat of the car.

Since the Batita children (under three years old) had to be positioned sitting in a back-to-back car seat. After they grow up, they have to sit face-to-face in the car chair until the age of 5. Children must also wear seat belts across the middle of the chest and shoulders. This is generally for children aged 8-12 years. But every particular country administration area has different rules. Whatever the rules, experts suggest waiting for the child until the age of 13 to be allowed to sit in the front car seat.

Although there is no official heavy limit to sitting in the front seat. But age tends to be more important than weight. Because it concerns safety while sitting in the front seat.

The children's frame system is still developing. At a very young age, the bones are more flexible and less congested than the bones of adults. So that children are at greater risk when sitting in the front car seat.

Sitting in the front seat generally puts children closer to the point of impact in the event of an accident, while rear seats allow for lower impacts on their fragile skeleton.

"Security belt may not be in the right position if there is a car accident due to an immature development of the pelvic bone," said Manesha Agarwal, MD., a child emergency unit doctor at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta who specializes in car safety and often treats patients involved in accidents.

Apart from the development of children's bones related to age, the safety of the car is the reason. The air bag on the passengers of the front seat is designed to protect adults and will expand when the speed reaches 200 miles per hour.

"Because children are shorter than adults, air bags can expand as high as their heads. This could be very dangerous, which may cause head or neck injuries, or even death." said Jennifer McCue, R.R.T., B.S.Ed., CPS.T., coordinator of injury prevention at Trauma Program at Edeurs Children's Hospital, Delaware.

At the age of 13, it is much safer to let your child sit in front because they are taller and their bones become harder and denser. However, the back seat is always considered the safest place to sit because it is generally further from the point of impact when an accident occurs.

Agarwal's message, don't rush to let your child sit in the front car seat. Make sure your child is mature enough to sit in the front seat of the car properly during the trip. More mature children can also control potentially harmful behavior.

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