Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita stated that the additional tax levy according to a certain percentage (opsen) set by the local government (Pemda) for motorized vehicles, is burdensome for the national automotive industry.
"The most difficult thing for car manufacturers and for consumers is taxes regulated by local governments called opsen. That's what makes the automotive sector heavy," Agus said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.
Agus said that the implementation of motor vehicle tax options, sooner or later will be detrimental to the economy of each region.
So regional leaders will look for ways to increase regional income, such as implementing tax relaxation.
"I don't think it will take too long for the local government to feel the opsen policy, it will actually harm the regional economy itself. It won't take too long. I see that the regional governments will do it or will look for or will issue regulations, for example for relaxation," he said.
Agus said the levy would later make people reluctant to buy new cars, which in the end the local government did not get income.
"Because local people will not be able to buy cars. At the end of the day they don't get into them. They won't get income. So, we want to use an immediate approach. This means that the regulations are changed or at the end, the local government will definitely evaluate," he said.
The government officially began implementing motor vehicle tax options to the public in January 2025.
This policy is regulated in Law (UU) Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and the Regional Government (HKPD).
Opsen merupakan pungutan tambahan pajak yang dikenakan berdasarkan persentase tertentu.
There are three types of regional taxes that are subject to opents, namely Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Motor Vehicle Name Transfer Fee (BBNKB), and Non-Mealth and Coal Mineral Tax (MBLB).
Each type of opsen has regulations that are regulated in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws in each region.
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