JAKARTA - The government has ensured that the policy of increasing value added tax rates (VAT) to 12 percent by 2025 does not apply to streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify.

So, you can still subscribe to Spotify Premium at the same price as usual. Well, to subscribe to Spotify Premium you can make payments via GoPay.

To make Spotify Premium payments using GoPay, follow the following steps:

Pay Spotify Premium from Spotify app

To pay for Spotify Premium subscriptions directly from the Spotify app, make sure you have linked the GoPay account to the Google Play account first. Once you have, follow the following steps:

Pay Spotify Premium through Spotify's official website

Apart from the application, you can also buy Spotify Premium subscriptions through the official website. Follow the following steps:

Pay Spotify Premium through the GoPay application

Or, to make it easier, you can pay for Spotify Premium subscriptions directly from the GoPay app. Follow the following steps:

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