The PDI-P (PDIP) Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto was named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Tuesday (24/12). The determination of the suspect Hasto is said to be still related to Harun Masiku, who is still at large.
The KPK has named Hasto as the perpetrator of alleged bribery actions against the Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) for the 2017-2022 period, Wahyu Setiawan. Hast is suspected of having played a role in providing bribes to help Harun Masiku escape, a PDIP cadre who is a suspect in the same case.
In addition to bribes, the KPK also charged Hasto as a suspect in the obstruction of investigation (OOJ).
Even though he is a suspect, until now Hasto has not been detained by the KPK. Social media is then crowded with pro opinions and cons of netizens. Meanwhile, the news media presents various points of view regarding this case.
Using the keyword "hasto" during the period from 24 to 30 December 2024, Netray found as many as 2.4 thousand news articles containing these keywords. The news was flooded with 1,168 negative sentiment, compared to positive sentiment which only appeared in 304 articles.
The news was also so massive that it reached 723 articles on the day the determination of Hasto Kristiyanto as a suspect, but after that the news began to decrease little by little until the end of the monitoring period.
Netray also takes advantage of the Hot Issue feature which allows to view topics that appear the most frequently in news articles. The bigger the appearance of the topic, the more often online mass media makes news that discusses the topic. As a result, Megawati Soekarnoputri's name became the center of the spotlight of the news media, his name was prominent in the image above.
As the General Chair of the PDIP, Megawati is said to be trying to protect the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto by promising to come to the KPK if Hasto is really arrested, "saidNetray.
Another issue that emerged was Megawati's alleged involvement in the Harun Masiku case. However, the chairman of the PDIP DPP, Said Abdullah, firmly denied it, believing that Megawati would not be summoned by the KPK.
On the other hand, Hasto responded to his arrest with a submission to the applicable legal process. What is of concern, he compared himself to the First President of Indonesia Soekarno, who was imprisoned by the invaders for the sake of the struggle for independence. According to Hasto, entering the guard is part of the sacrifice for the sake of big dreams.
But Hasto's statement was criticized by Didi Mahardika Soekarno, Bung Karno's grandson. He considered Hasto's claim to be irrelevant and contained heretical logic.
The claim was also criticized by political observer Jerry Massie. He emphasized that Hasto Kristiyanto could not be equated with Bung Karno, who was never involved in practices such as bribing the KPU or protecting election criminals such as Harun Masiku.
Another PDIP politician, former Minister of Law and Human Rights (HAM) Yasonna Laoly was also examined as a witness in this case in mid-December. Together with Hasto, now Yasonna has received a ban on traveling abroad from the KPK.
However, intelligence observer Connie Rahakundini assessed that the KPK's determination of Hasto as a suspect felt odd. He also claimed that this had been set for a long time. As if he was a confidant of Hasto, Connie admitted that a number of important documents belonging to the Secretary General of the DPI were entrusted before the news of the determination as a KPK suspect
Netray also tried to look at the opinions of netizens regarding this case through social media X, which used to be Twitter. Apparently this issue got a lot of attention from netizens. The proof is that the uploads that appeared were 83.6 thousand out of 11.8 accounts.
The intensity of uploads related to this topic seemed to go up and down. When the beginning of the monitoring period was December 24, 2024, or when the KPK announced the status of suspect Hasto Kristiyanto, netizens' uploads were not too many, only touched 3.6 thousand uploads. Then the next day immediately jumped to 15.5 uploads, "Netray reported.
Until the end of the monitoring period, the intensity of the upload was in the range of 10 thousand and 16 thousand per day. With the highest number on December 27 which proves that netizens are very interested in this topic.
Their opinion varies, some pros support Hasto not guilty, but not a few also think that Hasto is the king of corruptors.
The @JhonSitorus_18 account states that this determination is a form of revenge against PDIP. John considers this to happen after Jokowi's family was fired from the party bearing the symbol of this white-nosed bull.
Meanwhile, another account, @alisyarief, questioned the basis for the KPK to designate Hasto as a suspect. According to him, the conspiracy between Harun Masiko and Hasto is their business, so they think this is criminalization.
Interestingly, the hashtag #JokowiBencanaNasional has become a hot topic of conversation on X, even ahead of other hashtags. Netizens believe that the determination of the suspect Hasto is nothing more than Jokowi's political strategy.
Another popular hashtag is #Reduce PaksaFufufafa which is also a topic of conversation and appears side by side with #JokowiBencanaNasional.
Interestingly, the @4ntita1p4N_PIK2 account revealed allegations of buzzer movements supporting Hasto Kristiyanto. They are suspected of spreading three main narratives: first, reviving the issue of increasing VAT to 12 percent; second, claiming that the determination of Hasto as a suspect was only a transfer of issues from increasing VAT; and third, calling Hasto's case a form of criminalization by Jokowi against the Prabowo government.
The determination of Hasto Kristiyanto as a suspect by the KPK in the Harun Masiku case sparked a major spotlight both in the news and social media. The media highlighted Megawati and Hasto's controversial response, while netizens were busy discussing the issue of criminalization and political conspiracy through popular hashtags such as #JokowibencanaNAsional. This case reflects the complexity of relations between law, politics, and public opinion in Indonesia.
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