Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita conveyed the approach plan to the bankruptcy curator team PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk alias Sritex.
This approach was made so that Sritex could continue production even though it was cut off.
"We ask the curator and now the schedule is being arranged. We want it to be going concern, that we can save our production and manpower. Those who decide whether to go concerned or not are the curator and supervisory team," Agus said at the Ministry of Industry office, Jakarta, Friday, January 3.
In addition to encouraging the production process to run again, the approach to curators is also part of an effort to provide certainty of working for all Sritex employees.
"So, our office will approach the curator. So that we both prioritize national interests. Our meeting with the curator is also very important, because we want to invite them to have the same view. That's the domain I can do," he said.
Not only in terms of work, Agus added that if production stops, it will result in the loss of the market which has been filled by Sritex. Moreover, getting market confidence is not easy.
"If Sritex's market is filled by other domestic industries, there may be no problem. However, if it is filled by producers from other countries, it will lose to us. We lost the market and to get the trust is difficult," he said.
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