MEDAN - The body of an unidentified woman was found floating in an excavated pond. The cause of the woman's death is not yet known.

The discovery shocked the residents of Hamlet III, Sei Rampah Village, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Regency.

When found, the body was lying face down and rotting. Residents reported the discovery of this body to the police.

According to residents' reports, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Firdaus Police, the Sergai Police Headquarters immediately went to the location.

"This morning we received reports from residents of the discovery of bodies in Hamlet III, Sei Rampah Village, Sei Rampah Subdistrict," said Firdaus Police Chief, AKP Idham Halik, Tuesday, October 12.

Arriving at the location, the Kanit Reskim contacted Inafis Polres Sergai to conduct an investigation of the crime scene and an external examination of the victim's body.

From the external examination of the victim's body, no signs of violence or abuse were found.

The police then took the body to Deli Serdang Hospital for an autopsy.

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