JAKARTA - The Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (KemenP2MI) received an audience from the Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena and a number of Mayors and Regents. At the meeting, it was discussed about improving the quality of migrant workers.
Minister of P2MI, Abdul Kadir Karding stated that there were 1.7 million job requests for Indonesian workers. Therefore, the Regional Government (Pemda) of NTT is asked to be able to help in terms of job training.
"So if NTT wants to prepare good training, then from the start we have been intensifying since this high school, and we will connect it with the local government, we will connect it together. We will train the departure later, from the local government to make a BLK (Work Training Center) or investment from the private sector, we connect it with a placement company whose track record is good. After leaving the permit, we will take care of it, sir, there is income for the state," said Karding at the Ministry of P2MI office, Monday, March 17.
Training is important because it is to reduce low-skill Indonesian migrant workers. Because, on average, Indonesian workers who work abroad are still in the domestic sector.
"We want one to reduce those who depart, this is the low skill, because the profiling of foreign workers is indeed 80 percent still a domestic worker. This means that people who work in household environments, caregivers, household assistants, park cleaning, and graduates. elementary, junior high school, mostly, "said Karding.
Deputy Minister of P2MI, Christina Aryani, who was also present at the meeting, asked regional heads throughout NTT to remind public awareness to work abroad procedurally.
He said that procedural channels can be pursued through vocational schools so that prospective migrant workers are ready to work. For example, fishing schools or tourism polytechnics that can be a forum for preparing children from NTT to become prospective Indonesian migrant workers are ready for work.
"Governors and regional heads throughout NTT can help convey information to our children so that those who have the intention of working abroad choose jobs with good demand and income," he said.
Christina added that KemenP2MI is ready to provide information about opportunities for the placement of migrant workers abroad.
"Later, any countries that require the placement of migrant workers, we can share," he added.
Meanwhile, the Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena, said that his presence together with all regents and mayors to the Ministry of P2MI was to discuss and encourage migrant workers from the province to work procedurally abroad.
"After this meeting, we will prepare prospective migrant workers from NTT to be placed in various strategic countries through legal placement companies," he said.
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