JAKARTA - Southeast Asian and Western countries are urging all parties in Myanmar to refrain from violence and allow humanitarian aid, after a shadow government, formed by opponents of military rule, declared a national uprising against the junta.

The Government of National Unity (NUG) announced on Tuesday it was launching a "people's defensive war" in a bid to coordinate groups fighting the military, convincing troops and government officials to switch sides.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Myanmar military regime dismissed the statement, calling it a futile attempt to get the world's attention.

Security forces were deployed in Myanmar's largest city, Yangon, on Wednesday, a day after protests and increased fighting between the army and ethnic minority rebels.

"All parties must prioritize the safety and welfare of the Myanmar people", said Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah, noting that security was necessary for humanitarian aid to work.

Indonesia has taken the lead among Myanmar's ASEAN neighbors in trying to resolve the crisis sparked when the military toppled Aung San Suu Kyi's elected government on February 1.

Meanwhile, British Ambassador to Myanmar Pete Vowles on Facebook condemned the coup and what he called brutality by the military regime, urging all parties to engage in dialogue.

Citing The Irrawaddy September 7, as of Saturday last week, 1.046 civilians had died since the February 1 military coup according to the Aid Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP). Meanwhile, another 7.876 people, including elected government leaders, have been detained by the junta or are facing arrest warrants. Some 6.230 people are still being held, including ousted State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint.

In response, some opponents of the junta have formed armed groups under the banner of the People's Defense Forces. They have also forged alliances with ethnic minority soldiers who have long been at odds with Myanmar's military regime.

Large protests took place in Sagaing, Magway, and Mandalay on Wednesday, while media reported fighting between the army and Kachin rebels.

It was not immediately clear if the development was in response to the NUG's call and it remains to be seen to what extent the shadow government can influence the course of events.

"The NUG declaration has strong support on Myanmar's social media", said Richard Horsey, Myanmar expert at the International Crisis Group.

But he said it was unclear whether opposition forces had the capacity to escalate the fight against Myanmar's well-equipped military. And, the NUG's declaration of 'war' may backfire by making it difficult for some countries to support it.

Separately, Chris Sidoti of the Special Advisory Council on Myanmar, an international panel of experts said the NUG was frustrated by the junta's brutality and the international community's inaction.

"Violence is the cause of the suffering of the Myanmar people, it is not a solution. We empathize with the NUG, but we are afraid of what will happen as a result of this decision", he said.

The Defense Ministry of the NUG on Wednesday said 29 soldiers were killed in clashes in four areas and an unspecified number had defected. Reuters was unable to independently verify the information.

While Western countries have imposed sanctions to pressure the junta, ASEAN has led efforts for a diplomatic solution, but some members of the bloc, including Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia, are irritated by the lack of progress on the peace plan. the junta has agreed.

"Now with the latest events, you really have to go back to the drawing board", Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah told a news conference, referring to the NUG's call to revolt.

Last weekend, ASEAN Special Envoy for Myanmar Erywan Yusof said the Myanmar military regime had accepted its proposal for a ceasefire to allow aid distribution. However, neither party to the conflict has confirmed this.

"The Special Envoy is monitoring the situation closely", his office said when confirmed about its response to the NUG announcement.

In Washington, a US State Department spokesman noted the declaration of a 'people's defensive war', calling for peace to allow for the delivery of aid and medicine, Uncle Sam's State-funded Radio Free Asia reported.

"The United States does not condone violence as a solution to the current crisis", the spokesman said.

While most Western countries condemn the military regime for toppling Suu Kyi's government, China, which has sizable economic interests in Myanmar, has taken a softer line of promoting stability and non-intervention.

The state-run Global Times newspaper warned against Western countries supporting the anti-junta forces militarily.

"If armed clashes are indulged and political extremist action is encouraged, then the country will be plagued by endless fighting and trouble", the newspaper said in an opinion piece.

Regarding the Myanmar Coup, VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Civilian casualties continued to fall. You can follow the news about the Myanmar military coup by clicking this link.

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