JAKARTA - Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with inflammation of the eye called uveitis, based on a multicenter study led by Prof. Zohar Habot-Wilner of Sourasky Medical Center Tel Aviv.

The study was conducted at Rambam Health Care Campus, Galilee Medical Center, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, Kaplan Medical Center, and Sourasky. The Results for publication by the peer-reviewed ophthalmology journal 'Retina'.

Habot-Wilner, head of the Uveitis Service at the hospital, said: "We found that 21 people (23 eyes) who had received two injections of the Pfizer vaccine developed uveitis within one to 14 days of receiving the first vaccine. Or, one day to one full month after administering the second vaccine.

Wilner says twenty-one people develop anterior uveitis. Meanwhile, the other two developed Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome (MEWDS), as quoted by The Jerusalem Post, Wednesday, August 4.

"All patients in this study met the World Health Organization (WHO) and Naranjo criteria, which correlate the onset of uveitis with vaccination. This time frame is consistent with other reports of uveitis after various vaccines", explains Habot-Wilner.

vaksin pfizer
Pfizer vaccine illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/Prefeiture Campinas)

He further explained that every patient who had other systemic diseases that might be related to uveitis was under control before vaccination. In addition, none of the patients had any changes in their systemic treatment for at least six months prior to receiving the injections.

Habot-Wilner said eight of the 21 patients had a previous history of uveitis. However, it was experienced about one to 15 years before the current vaccination.

In particular, most cases were mild, only three were severe, with all cases of anterior uveitis being treated with topical corticosteroids and eye drops for pupil dilation. The MEWDS case, as received, was not handled.

"Only one case got worse after receiving the second dose", according to Habot-Wilner, but he says, with proper treatment the disease can also be cured.

"Examinations at the end of the follow-up period found that the visual acuity of all eyes improved and the disease was completely cured", he continued.

"The bottom line is, I recommend vaccination for people with or without a history of uveitis", Habot-Wilner emphasizes. But he said, if people experience bouts of uveitis after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, they should get a good eye exam and be treated appropriately. And, if uveitis occurs after the first dose, people with uveitis can still receive the second dose.

Habot-Wilner adds that it's very rare for uveitis to be caused generally by vaccination, however, eye inflammation has been linked to other vaccines.

"This is very rare, but if you feel something is wrong with your eyes if you experience pain, redness, or decreased vision, see your ophthalmologist immediately", he concluded.

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