BANDUNG - Bandung Mayor Oded M Danial confirmed that he would sanction the subdistrict head of Rancasari who was found to have traveled to Yogyakarta when official travel was prohibited.

Oded has instructed the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bandung City, Ema Sumarna, to immediately process the sanctions. The form of sanctions, said Oded, is still being formulated by the Regional Secretary.

"At least the sanctions will be disciplinary, later the form of the sanctions will be discussed by Mr. Ema", said Oded, in Bandung, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

Oded regretted visiting outside the region in the midst of a surge in COVID-19 cases. The subdistrict head himself is suspected of taking a trip with his staff.

Oded has signed the latest Bandung Mayor Regulation which contains a number of restrictions. One of them, namely the prohibition for civil servants (ASN) to travel on business.

"When I signed the regulation of Mayor last Thursday, they were gone", said Oded.

Based on data from the Bandung City COVID-19 Information Center, currently, Rancasari District is in the top four with the most active COVID-19 cases in Bandung City.

The first is Arcamanik District with 132 active cases, then Cibeunying Kidul District with 119 active cases, the third is Antapani District with 105 active cases, then the fourth is Rancasari District with 105 active cases.

So far, there are 1.699 active cases of COVID-19 in the city of Bandung. However, since Monday (21/6) the number of recoveries is quite high with 200 people who have been declared cured of COVID-19.

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