JAKARTA - The Israeli military announced a number of rockets were fired into their territory from Lebanon on Monday night. However, the rockets failed to reach the border fence.

In retaliation, the Israeli military (IDF) fired artillery at the suspected source of the rocket attack from Lebanon.

Lebanese military sources said three rockets had been fired from southern Lebanon towards Israel.

"Three Grad-type rockets were fired from the Shebaa Ranch area, not far from the Israeli border", a Lebanese military source said, as quoted by the Times of Israel on Tuesday, May 18.

This is the second incident of cross-border fires in the past week. On Thursday last week, three rockets were launched from Lebanon heading for but landed in the Mediterranean Sea, causing no damage or casualties.

Although not dangerous, the rocket attack on Monday night triggered warning sirens in a number of areas near the border. The Israeli army also asked residents located 4 kilometers from the border to be prepared in a protection bunker.

The Israeli military responded to the attack by firing more artillery at the launch site in the Lebanon region.

Speaking to Reuters, a Lebanese security source said bullets were heard being fired from southern Lebanon and efforts were underway to identify the location. A total of 22 bullets were fired by Israeli artillery into Lebanese territory.

In response, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force (UN) in Lebanon (UNIFIL), moved quickly in coalition with the Lebanese Armed Forces, after detecting rocket fire from the Rashaya Al Foukhar common area north of Kfar Choub, southern Lebanon.

UNIFIL Commander Major General Stefano Del Col immediately coordinated with the Lebanese military and the Israeli military, to equally restraint, preventing further escalation.

"As soon as we also get information from the parties. The IDF retaliated with artillery fire directed at the rocket's original location. The IDF has now stopped the fire. UNIFIL Mission Chiefs remain in contact with the parties to ensure stability in the area and reduce existing tensions. The situation in the area is now calm", UNIFIL wrote on Twitter.

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