PALU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that around 19 houses were damaged due to the impact of flash floods that hit Palasa District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi last Thursday.
"This data is still temporary, because our team continues to collect field data," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Parigi Moutong Amiruddin when contacted from Palu, Antara, Sunday, March 16.
He explained that of the 19 houses that were damaged, four houses were heavily damaged and one was slightly damaged. In addition, road access, electricity and clean water are also still damaged.
Then six houses were washed away, six were lightly damaged and three were heavily damaged in Bambasiang Village, while road access, electricity and clean water were also still damaged.
"The government is currently continuing to take steps to restore affected infrastructure, including normalizing rivers and preparing food logistics for disaster victims," he said.
Reportedly, medical treatment for flood-affected residents has also been carried out by involving the local Health Office, including cross-sectoral collaboration in overcoming river normalization.
Meanwhile, the acceleration of post-disaster management continues to be boosted during the 14-day emergency response period, starting from March 14 to 27, 2025 based on the acting (Pj) decision letter of the Regent of Parigi Moutong.
"So far, we have accommodated logistical assistance from various parties at the main post with logistics prepared by the local government (P local government) to be distributed to flood victims. The logistics are in the form of instant food, mineral water in packaging, clothes and others," said Amiruddin.
He added that the government has also prepared around 640 packs of ready-to-eat food to meet the needs of two meals for disaster-affected residents.
"Food ready-to-eat is provided by Tagana for the need to eat suhoor and break the fast," he said.
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