JAKARTA The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that Indonesia imported 16,469 tons of dates in February 2025, an increase of 0.26 percent compared to the previous month of 16,426 tons.
Head of BPS Amalia A. Widyasanti said, in February 2025 imports of dates were recorded at 16,469 tons or worth 18.09 million US dollars.
"In February 2025, imports of dates were recorded at 16.47 thousand tons or worth 18.09 million US dollars," Amalia said at a press conference, Monday, March 17.
Amalia said that the largest imports of dates came from Egypt as much as 9,240 tons with a share of 56.12 percent of the total dates imported by Indonesia.
Then the second largest position came from Saudi Arabia with 2,690 tons with a share of 16.32 percent and followed by the United Arab Emirates with 1,190 tons with a share of 7.22 percent.
Cumulatively, Amalia said that during January-February 2025, imports of dates were recorded at 32,890 tons or US$38.76 million.
Amalia said that during this period, Indonesia had imported the most dates from Egypt by 19,390 tons with a share of 58 percent, Saudi Arabia 13.87 percent, and the United Arab Emirates by 8.96 percent.
Then, the total dates imported by Indonesia in January-February 2025 from Tunisia were 5.87 percent, and Iran was 4.39 percent.
Amalia said that the trend of imports of dates began to appear to increase in the five months leading up to the Ramadan and Lebaran 2025 periods.
"The highest is certainly in January and February 2025," he concluded.
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