The investigation into the alleged corruption case of a fictitious Official Travel Order (SPPD) at the Secretariat of the Council (Setwan) of the Riau DPRD which allegedly caused state losses of up to Rp130 billion is still waiting for the final results of the audit by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"After the BPKP issues the results of the audit, we will hold a case at the Kortas Tipikor Bareskrim Polri to determine who is responsible," Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Riau Regional Police (Polda), Kombes Nasriadi Police in Pekanbaru, Thursday, January 2, was confiscated by Antara.

He said the results of the audit were scheduled to be completed in early January 2025. He emphasized that this case remains a priority, even though he will be transferred to attend education.

"We have submitted this case to the new Direskrimsus. The process of handling this case also continues to be reported periodically to the Kortas Corruption Police and the KPK so that no party can obstruct the legal process," he said.

He explained, based on information from the Activity Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), the official travel money was distributed by the Budget User Authority (KPA), namely the Secretary of the Council (Sekwan) at that time in 2020-2021.

Investigators will investigate whether the funds are used for personal gain or distributed to certain parties. This is because it involves falsifying tens of thousands of official travel tickets during the pandemic and causing huge state losses.

"We will trace the flow, and those who do not return the funds will be considered as part of a criminal act," he said.

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