BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java, alerted about 200 personnel as police officers in charge of maintaining the security of worship in mosques as well as health protocols (prokes) during Ramadan.

Bogor City Police Chief Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the police were ready to coordinate with the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) and marbot (a person who takes care of the mosque) in carrying out their duties to maintain security and health protocols.

"In the current COVID-19 pandemic, the health dimension is still the main one. Police personnel will help to supervise the implementation of health protocols on tarawih prayers in mosques in Bogor City", he said, quoted as saying by Antara, Monday, April 12.

According to Susatyo, based on instructions from the Minister of Religious Affairs, in the month of Ramadan in 2021, it is allowed to perform tarawih prayers in mosques, but by applying health protocols.

"We help oversee the implementation of health protocols. Police personnel will coordinate with DKM and marbot in every mosque", he continued.

Susatyo explained that based on the data in Bogor city police, the number of mosques in Bogor city is about 850 mosques. Of these, 147 mosques have large congregations so it needs to be supervised.

"Monitoring health protocols, so that the pilgrims continue to apply the 3M, namely wearing masks, washing hands with water and soap, and keeping a distance", he said.

Through Ramadan police, he said, Bogor City Police also try to avoid crowds before and after tarawih prayers including maintaining the possibility of potential disruption of security and public order.

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