The South Jakarta Metro Police are still carrying out legal proceedings against MAS (14), the son of the alleged perpetrator of the murder of his father and grandmother at the Bona Indah housing estate, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta. The examination is still ongoing, and it is known that the high school student used a T-shirt to cover his head when he killed AP (40), RM (69) and abused his mother, APW (40).

"He (MAS) was wearing a t-shirt tied to his face. That was what he was wearing before leaving his room. His shirt," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Nurma when confirmed, Tuesday, January 7.

Unfortunately, it is not known why MAS covered his head when executing his family members. Even the police are still wondering because MAS can only be silent when asked about this.

"I've been asked, the person concerned has not been answered (only silent)," he said.

Because of the closed face, MAS's mother, APW, did not realize who stabbed her and what made her husband and mother die, was her own biological child.

"Because his face was covered with a t-shirt tied to his face," said Nurma when asked by reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Currently, MAS is still investigating the motive for the murder. Meanwhile, the victim's mother, AP (40), continues to improve and has long left Fatmawati Hospital. APW now lives with his brother in the South Jakarta area.

"For mothers (APW), their health is stable. Physical wounds have improved, then the psyche has started to improve," he said.

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