YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government (Pemda DIY) noted that 948 cattle from cattle and goats in this province were infected with mouth and nail disease (PMK) with 64 of them dying since December 2024.

Head of the DIY Agriculture and Food Security Service (DPKP) Syam Arjayanti said the PMK cases were spread across four districts in DIY.

"Cloating (infected with PMK) is only one tail in Kulon Progo. The majority of the cows," said Syam when contacted in Yogyakarta, Antara, Tuesday, January 7.

He suspects that the high spread of PMK cases comes from cows outside DIY that enter without strict health supervision.

"It spreads from cows from outside the DIY area that came in. It's only been a month," he said.

Referring to the distribution data reported in the national animal health information system (iSISIKHNAS), Gunungkidul became the district in DIY with the highest number of PMK cases, namely 672 livestock infected with 27 of them forcibly cut and 30 died from this disease.

Next, Bantul recorded 161 cases with 25 dead and 2 forced cuts, 103 Sleman cases, with 8 dead and 4 recovered, and 11 Kulon Progo found 11 cases, with 1 animal dead.

"The city of Yogyakarta itself has not yet reported any cases of PMK," he said.

The DIY local government, said Syam, has taken various steps to control the spread of PMK, one of which is by tightening supervision of livestock traffic at regional borders and in animal markets.

According to him, animals showing PMK symptoms, such as fever, sariawan, excess saliva, cough, or runny nose will be prohibited from entering the market and asked to return to their place of origin.

"If the signs are not healthy, they are asked to go home, not to be traded," he said.

If livestock is found, both cows and goats and sheep die in the market, according to Syam, livestock traffic in the market will be temporarily closed for 14 days for the process of cleaning and disinfection.

In addition to tightening supervision, his party also continues to intensify vaccination for livestock.

To date, 1,246 livestock have been vaccinated, consisting of 375 cows in Gunungkidul, 274 in Bantul, 328 in Sleman, and 161 in Kulon Progo, including goats and sheep.

He added that as many as 108 cows in the DIY Agricultural Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) had also received the vaccine.

Syam admits that until now there are still many breeders who are reluctant to get their livestock vaccinated for fear of the side effects caused.

For this reason, DPKP DIY will increase education for farmers so that they want to vaccinate independently.

"We also increase risk mitigation, then increase livestock stamina from feed, from vitamins, home hygiene. This is the rainy season, many cages are not clean," said Syam.

He appealed to farmers who found PMK symptoms in their livestock to immediately report for quick treatment through the Ministry of Agriculture call center at 08111827889. "We continue to process, move so that this PMK does not spread," concluded Syam Arjayanti.

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