JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police conducted a urine check on a man with the initials MDR who held up a member of the Mampang Prapatan Police in the Jalan Letjen Suprapto area, Cempaka Baru, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"The results were negative for drugs from the results of urine checks. It is suspected that the perpetrator was drunk in alcohol while in action," said Kemayoran Police Chief Kompol Agung when confirmed, Tuesday, December 7.

While in action, the perpetrator rode with his partner on a motorbike.

"We are still developing the friend of the perpetrator who fled," he said.

The perpetrator is unemployed. In the action, the perpetrator had prepared a sharp weapon type of kitchen knife to find a man who cheated on his girlfriend.

"Yes, but in the end, the target was wrong. What the perpetrator approached turned out to be a member of the police. The perpetrator was pointing a knife at the witness (police), then he was immediately sprayed with pepper," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator with the initials MDR is still being investigated at the Kemayoran Police.

Previously, it was reported that a man with a sharp weapon was arrested by security forces and online motorcycle taxi driver after carrying out an action against members of the Mampang Prapatan Police in the area of Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Cempaka Baru, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. The perpetrators along with the evidence were then handed over to the Kemayoran Police.

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