JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said that preparations for a megathrust earthquake became the homework of all elements of the country, both the government and the community in order to minimize the affected victims.

"To be honest, we still have a lot of homework to improve our readiness (in the face of a megathrust earthquake)," said Researcher at the BRIN Center for Geological Disaster Research, Nuraini Rahma Hanifa in an online speech that was followed in Jakarta, Monday, September 2, was confiscated by Antara.

Rahma said panic was one of the causes of the high number of fatalities in a natural disaster.

In the context of earthquakes, he continued, panic is generally caused by the high possibility of collapsed buildings, which causes residents to panic and run irregularly.

Reflecting on Japan, said Rahma, the buildings built already have special standards, so this can ensure that the building is earthquake-resistant.

"Well, we in Indonesia may not feel confident about the buildings or houses we live in, so maybe one of us has insecurity of the building, the second we also panic," he said.

In addition, Rahma assessed that the Indonesian people also have a traumatic image of the earthquake that occurred in Aceh in 2004, where the earthquake was also accompanied by a tsunami wave, which requires everyone to run out of the house.

Disaster mitigation efforts, he said, could begin with efforts based on science, technology, and innovation, such as building earthquake-resistant houses and modernizing early warning systems, while continuing to socialize evacuation routes when natural disasters occur to all levels of society.

"God willing, it can reduce panic, and we will also feel better prepared for this megathrust earthquake," said Nuraini.

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