TANGERANG - UPT Samsat Cikokol has added working hours for Cikokol services and a number of outlets in Modernland, Sangiang Outlet and Jatiuwung Outlet, Tangerang.

"Usually service hours are open from 08.00-14.00, now it is extended until 15.00," said Secretary of the Banten Province Bapenda, Ratih in his statement, Tuesday, June 25.

Ratih also said that the 1 hour increase policy was also carried out because the number of people who wanted to re-register their motor vehicle taxes was very busy.

"So it is hoped that with the addition of service hours, more and more residents will pay their tax obligations," he said.

Ratih said, the purpose of increasing working hours and outlets is believed to be to increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD). In addition, his party also opened a Mobile Samsat (Samling) service using a car, which will target several housing and market points in Tangerang City, from 08.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB.

Ada juga layanan Samsat Kalong yaitu layanan Samsat yang dibuka pada malam hari, lokasinya berada di tugu jam kawasan Pasar Lama. Layanan ini dibuka setiap bulan hanya 2 kali yaitu di pekan pertama dan pekan terakhir.

"Through these various efforts, it is hoped that the public will be more aware of paying their tax obligations," he concluded.

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