West Jakarta Metro Police managed to arrest a supplier of methamphetamine to musician Virgoun. The perpetrator is known to have the initials B alias BGS who acts as a provider of methamphetamine type narcotics given to Inara Rusli's ex-husband.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes M Syahduddi said investigators from the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit had succeeded in securing one person on behalf of B or BGS.

"From B alias BGS, no narcotics evidence was found, but he admitted that he was the one who gave the narcotics to V," said Kombes M Syahduddi to reporters, Monday, May 24.

The police chief also confirmed the existence of financial transactions (purchase of drugs).

"When we searched B, several tubes used to use synthetic narcotics were found. B admitted that he was indeed an active narcotics addict of the type of sinte," he said.

A methamphetamine supplier to musician Virgoun was arrested while at his home. B is a co-worker of musician Virgoun.

"He worked as his band crew V. He admitted several times to giving methamphetamine to V. So far, V's confession has only been given from B twice to V," he said.

Until now, the police are still investigating the narcotics case in the band's circle of musicians.

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