British PM Boris Johnson Is Ready To Disburse IDR 60.1 Trillion To Improve The Bus Network
Illustration. (Wikimedia Commons / Oxyman)

JAKARTA - British Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson will invest 3 billion pounds, or approximately IDR, to rebuild the bus network in the UK.

Such a large budget, as reported by Reuters, aims to provide a better service, cheaper and more available, so that British residents prefer to use buses than private cars.

The UK domestic bus industry is currently in shock. The government is also trying to save it by adding hundreds of miles of new bus routes, using non-cash payments on all buses, and increasing night and weekend bus services.

"Our reforms will make buses the mode of choice, reduce the number of car trips and improve the quality of life for millions of people", British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement.

In the UK, private companies, such as Stagecoach and Go-Ahead, are contracted to run bus services. They are financially supported by the government in the pandemic, as the number of passengers decreases.

Under Johnson's new plan, the Department of Transport said local authorities and operators would form partnerships to provide services or could develop franchise agreements.

"The plan will help provide better service in parts of the country that are suffering from poor public transport network", Johnson said.

In addition, the UK Government will end sales of new diesel buses, replacing them by bringing in about 4 thousand new electric or hydrogen buses, to reduce emissions.

Separately, Stagecoach Chief Executive Martin Griffiths said he welcomed the government's new bus strategy ambition. According to him, buses are very important to the local community after being neglected for a long time.

"It is imperative that the new bus strategy be balanced with the right levels of funding, consistent policies across government, and a flexible partnership approach, prioritizing benefits for customers", explained Griffiths.

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