TANGERANG - Bus group Apdesi (Village Apparatus Association Throughout Indonesia) had an accident on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Tuesday, May 21.

Head of the Highway Patrol Unit (Kasat PJR) Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Kompol Wiratno confirmed the accident.

The incident began when the bus was traveling from KM102 on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. In the middle of the road, the bus engine suddenly died, so the bus was in an uncontrolled position to enter the toll road block.

"The final position of the vehicle is tilted in the row facing the east," said Wiratno in his statement, Tuesday, May 21.

It was reported that 8 people suffered minor injuries and were taken to Hermina Hospital for further action.

"While the bus was evacuated," he said.

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