JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) emphasized that the scenario for evacuating residents must be made immediately even though the status of Mount Ruang in North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) has dropped from Alert.

"This scenario is important if the eruption occurs again at any time, where is the route for evacuation and rescue, including reading the direction of the wind, which is well understood," said BNPB Deputy for Logistics and Equipment Lilik Kurniawan in Jakarta, Monday, April 22, as reported by Antara.

Thus, BNBP assesses that the making of this evacuation scenario is borne by all elements involved in emergency operations to deal with the Mount Ruang eruption disaster, including the local government level task force.

According to him, if all potential eruption hazards can be predicted, the entire series of community rescue can be carried out properly and will not cause casualties.

"Continue to coordinate and comply with every recommendation issued by PVMBG and BMKG," he said.

He explained that the decline in the status of Mount Ruang to standby was officially determined by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) team, Monday, April 22, at 09.00 WIB.

However, that does not mean that conditions are safe, according to him, PVMBG still provides recommendations so that there is no activity at a radius of four kilometers from the center of the volcano's active crater.

This is because it refers to the results of the PVMBG analysis which reported that the current potential hazard is in the form of small-scale eruptions, with limited distribution of eruptive material around the peak.

In addition, PVMBG also reported that currently there is a buildup of eruptive material on the upper slope of the eastern part which has the potential to become avalanches or rock avalanches.

Including, he said, gas release still has the potential to occur on a scale that tends to decline as the final stage of a series of eruptions.

Therefore, BNPB hopes that all parties involved in emergency disaster management operations will pay attention to the results of the analysis.

"At the same time ensuring that people who live within a four-kilometer radius should be immediately evacuated to a safe place outside the radius, and always urge the public to use masks to avoid exposure to volcanic ash that can disrupt the respiratory system," he said.

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