Traffic Back To Normal But Vehicle Queues Are Still Visible In 2 Markets On The Puncak-Cianjur Line
Traffic flow on the Puncak route, Cianjur, West Java, returned to normal a week after Eid, but the Cianjur Police are still alerting officers for anticipation, Tuesday (16/4/2024). (Ahmad Fikri). (Ahmad Fikri)

CIANJUR - Police noted that the main route for Cianjur returned to normal on D+4 Lebaran 2024 or Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri. However, vehicle queues are still visible at points prone to traffic jams such as Jalan Raya Bandung-Cianjur, precisely at Ciranjang Market and Cipanas Market on the Puncak-Cianjur route.

"One week after Eid, the volume of vehicles has returned to normal from all directions, starting from the Puncak area to Haurwangi and the Gekbrong route, only at points prone to queues but not extending because of the density of in and outflows," said Head of Cianjur Police Traffic Unit, AKP Anjar Maulana in Cianjur, West Java, Tuesday, April 16, confiscated by Antara.

Although the flow of vehicles has gradually returned to normal, his party is still alerting around 50 personnel assisted by the police, in order to anticipate a surge in the sudden backflow at close range, especially on weekends because school holidays are not over yet.

Personnel are on standby along the main Cianjur route, especially at the T-junction to the location of tourist attractions which are predicted to be crowded with tourists and local residents who hold halal bihalal or friendship after Eid.

"We are also alerting a queue break team along the Puncak-Cianjur route and Jalan Raya Bandung-Cianjur, in order to anticipate a spike in the flow of visitors who are late to return to their respective hometowns," he said.

Anjar explained, during the long holiday of the holiday, the volume of vehicles passing on the main Cianjur route, was around 150 thousand vehicles when the peak of the homecoming flow and backflow passed, where the peak of the homecoming flow occurred on D-2 and backflow on D+4.

"Long queues had occurred on D+4 Lebaran, where the queue of vehicles occurred 8 kilometers along with the implementation of the one-way system from Bogor to Cianjur until the evening, the queue could melt after the vehicle did not move for 9 hours," he said.

Meanwhile, on D+5 he said, there had been queues but did not cause total traffic jams, after a one-way system was carried out from Cianjur to Bogor, the flow of vehicles returned to normal and the lane was opened from both directions.

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