Tangerang Legok Angkot Hit By A Molen Truck, Driver: Luckily Can Get Out Of The Car
Molen Truck Hits Angkot Car In Tangerang/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - Molen truck overturned on Jalan Raya Legok, Tangerang Regency hit an angkot car, Monday afternoon, February 5. Luckily, an angkot driver named Sugiyono was able to get out of the pinched car.

"I'm lucky, I went straight out of my vehicle. Otherwise, I don't know anymore. Alhamdulillah, passengers can also get out of the passenger's door," said Sugiyono, Tuesday, February 5.

Sugiyono explained that the accident began when a Molen truck numbered B-9242-KZY drove from Legok to Karawaci, Tangerang City.

However, upon arrival at the scene of the crime (TKP) the truck tried to avoid the angkot in front of it. The molen truck swerved to the left and eventually hit the ground and hit the angkot.

The car was fast again, then he tried to avoid the angkot in front. But shocked, so swerved and hit the ground and overturned. Luckily, he immediately avoided it," he said.

After the incident, residents together with members of the police worked together and used a heavy equipment to evacuate the molen truck.

"Earlier we were together and continued to use heavy equipment too," he concluded.

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