JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has decided that the Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari violates the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP). The decision is the aftermath of Gibran Rakabuming Raka's registration as a candidate for vice president with Prabowo Subianto on October 25, 2023.
"Imposing the last strong warning sanction to Hasyim Asy'ari," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito reading the verdict as broadcast on the DKPP YouTube on Monday, February 5.
There were four cases that were tried, namely 135-PKE/DPP/XII/2023 cases; 136-PKE/DKPP/XII/2023; 137-PKE/DKPP/XII/2023; and 141-PKE/DKPP/XII/2023. Apart from Hasyim, DKPP also sanctioned other KPU members.
They are Betty Epsilon Idroos, Mochamad Afifuddin, Parsadaan Harahap, Yulianto Sudrajat, Idham Holik, and August Mellaz. Just like Hasyim, these six people were also given harsh warning sanctions.
The commissioners were complained about accepting the registration of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate on October 25, 2023. The complainant considered this not in accordance with KPU Regulation Number 19 of 2023 concerning the Candidacy for Presidential Election Participants and Vice President.
The complainant is of the opinion that the KPU has not revised or changed the relevant regulations after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/202.
The complainants are Demas Brian Wicaksono with case number 135-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, Iman Munandar B. with case number 136-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, PH Hariyanto who later recorded case number 137-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, and Rumondang Damanik with case number 141-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023.
They suspect that the KPU's actions as defendants have violated the principle of legal certainty. This is because Gibran was allowed to take part in the stages of the 2024 presidential election.
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