Bus Entourage Hanura Accident On Ngawi Toll Road, 3 People Died
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The bus carrying a group of Hanura Party accidents on the Ngawi Toll Road towards Surabaya, Sunday, February 4. It was reported that 3 people died in the incident at KM 554.650 at 06.17 WIB. Apart from the death toll, there were dozens of people who were injured.

Chairman of the Hanura Party, Oesman Sapta Odang (Oso), expressed his deep sorrow over the incident that occurred after the campaign for the candidate presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD at GBK yesterday.

"So I want to convey, on behalf of myself, Oso, and the entire Hanura extended family throughout Indonesia to our cadres who got an accident in order to return from Jakarta to support Ganjar-Mahfud to become president," Oso said in a statement to reporters, Sunday, February 4.

Oso prayed that the two victims from the Hanura task force would have the best place by God YME. While one other person is a bus driver.

"Of the 500 groups, there was an accident on the road at 5 a.m. this morning. May his sins be forgiven. And given a place by Allah. And we are all sorry," he concluded.

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