JAKARTA - The densely populated settlement in the Kebon Pala flood area, Kampung Melayu, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, was again flooded due to the overflow of the Ciliwung river, Wednesday, January 31. A total of 150 houses were submerged in water.

The water level reaches 70 cm. Flood inundation began to inundate residential areas from early Wednesday morning until this afternoon.

Although many residents' houses were submerged, residents continued to carry out activities as usual without any disturbances. Residents also place some of their valuables on the second floor of their house.

Although there were no disturbances, a number of residents who were active were willing to hit the floodwaters that hit the neighborhood area of their homes.

Floods in the area have occurred since the previous era of the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Floods have occurred for years without any serious handling from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

In fact, the Ciliwung river sodetan project which aims to reduce flooding has not been able to reduce flood locations in residential areas along the Ciliwung river.

"Sodetan is just a variation, it is not opened. It has not been opened from the first. The hope is that it will be opened, it has been inaugurated when it is not used (operational)," said Rohman, a resident of Kebon Pala to reporters at the location, Wednesday, January 31.

Furthermore, Rohman said, the flood heights that hit residential areas were varied. Starting from 60 cm to 70 cm due to the decreased soil contour or basins.

The floodwaters hit people's houses since Wednesday morning, the water began to flood during the high intensity of rain.

"Flooding from half past five (buh), due to rain. The height is 70 cm," he said.

The water level of the Ciliwung River at Manggarai Water Gate, Menteng District, Central Jakarta had reached standby status 3 on Wednesday, January 31, morning.

Petugas operator pintu air Manggarai, Elang Bayu Merapi mengatakan, ketinggian status standby 3 di pintu air Manggarai disebabkan karena adanya intensitas hujan yang cukup tinggi di wilayah Manggarai.

"The rain has a long duration, starting at 3 am Manggarai starting to experience an increase in water level at 4 am with a height of 680 and entering standby 3 at 7 am with a water level of 765," Elang told reporters, Wednesday, January 31.

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