BANDUNG - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has temporarily suspended the vehicle-free Braga Street or Braga Beken program after the completion of the evaluation.

Acting Mayor of Bandung A Koswara said the Braga Beken program was considered to have caused congestion in the area due to heavy traffic during the year-end holidays and the excavation of aerial cables projects.

"Braga Beken is currently being evaluated, because yesterday there was a high traffic jam, due to the excavation of the project, which disrupted the movement of the community," said Koswara in Bandung, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 27.

Therefore, the Bandung City Government finally decided to temporarily suspend the program until the situation allowed.

"After the situation improves and can be controlled again, the Braga Beken program will be reopened. The results of the evaluation also involve the traffic police and the transportation service," he said.

Even though the program was temporarily suspended, he said, his party was still considering the possibility to activate the vehicle-free Braga Street at the turn of the year.

"If possible use it, of course it will be used. The city of Bandung is usually crowded at the end of the year, so people are just getting ready," he said.

Koswara hopes that with the temporary suspension of this program, the movement of people and tourists on Jalan Braga can be smoother, especially during the Christmas and New Year holidays which usually accommodate the area.

For information, the vehicle-free Braga Street program takes place every Saturday and Sunday provided that vehicles are not allowed to cross the route and only those who walk are allowed.

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