The world of education has been tarnished again due to the actions of a teacher who is suspected of committing sexual abuse against his students at a public elementary school (SDN) in Kendal, Central Java. This was revealed after the victim reported the incident to the Kendal Police.

Head of Public Relations of Kendal Police IPDA Deni Herawan in his statement explained that his party had arrested S (43), Monday, January 29.

"S' immoral acts have been carried out twice. September 16 and December 11, 2023 in the library and classroom," explained Ipda Deni Herawan, in a written statement, Monday, January 29.

Deni explained that the victim was told to come to the library by the suspect, when he arrived at the library the victim was told to enter and the suspect closed the door. Then the victim was hugged, kissed, squeezed by her breasts and grabbed. Then the suspect also forced to have a relationship like husband and wife. Together with his parents the victim reported to the Kendal Police.

Following up on the report, Unit III PPA Sat Reskrim Kendal Police examined witnesses, Visum Et Repertum, confiscated evidence, checked the crime scene and collected evidence until 2 (two) pieces of evidence were fulfilled.

"Following up the report, Saturday, January 20, 2024, Unit III of the PPA with the Kendal Police Criminal Investigation Unit made an attempt to arrest suspect S at his home, in Bebengan Village, Boja Kendal Regency. The suspect was arrested at the Kendal Police Headquarters," said Deni.

From the suspect's hands, a white veil was secured, one white long-sleeved shirt (SD uniform), one red long skirt, one red BH, one green underwear, one green long-sleeved shirt, one brown trousers, one Oppo brand cellphone, one HP brand laptop, and one Yamaha Vixion motorcycle.

The suspect was charged with the crime of Child Protection Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of PERPU No. 1 of 2016 the second amendment to Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection as referred to in Article 81 of Law 17/2016 Juncto 64 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years in prison.

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