The Banjarmasin Police Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satreskoba) arrested two young men with student status who were suspected of being the perpetrators of illicit trafficking of methamphetamine.

"The two perpetrators that we arrested are a network," said Head of the Banjarmasin Narcotics Investigation Unit, Kompol Boma P Dewa, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 26.

He said the success of the disclosure of this case began with being arrested for the first time by RR (28), a private employee, a resident of Jalan Handil Bakti, Taman Citra Raya Complex, Blok Kel. Deep Spirit, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency.

When arrested on Saturday last week, at around 13.15 WITA, the police found evidence of two packages of methamphetamine in a small wallet stored in his pants pocket.

"RR kamu ringkus saat berada di Jalan Pramuka Km. 6 tepatnya di Parkiran Hotel Bee Kel. Pemurus Luar, Kec. Banjarmasin Timur, Kota Banjarmasin," ucap Boma.

When interrogated, said Boma, RR admitted that RR received the illicit goods from TR (29) parking attendant, a resident of Jalan 9 Oktober Gang Jemaah II Kel. Petauman, South Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City.

After receiving information from RR, members immediately went to the field and managed to apprehend TR on Saturday (20/1) afternoon, at around 17.15 WITA, while on Jalan Antasan Kecil Timur Gang 4 May Kel. East Small Queue, North Banjarmasin District.

The police conducted a search of TR and found 48 packages of methamphetamine ready for distribution and other evidence such as digital scales, plastic clips of methamphetamine and cash amounting to Rp1,211,000.

The actions of the two perpetrators RR and TR were immediately brought to the Banjarmasin Police Narcotics Unit to undergo further examination and legal proceedings and detention at the local Police detention center.

The results of the interim examination of RR and TR were determined as suspects and charged as referred to in Article 112 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of the Law. RI. No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police also said that he would continue to follow up on every case that was successfully uncovered.

Not only that, his party also continues to conduct investigations in the field to uncover the circulation of illicit goods in the jurisdiction of the Banjarmasin Police.

"We ask for support from the public to be able to provide information if they know that there is drug trafficking in their area and every information that comes in is immediately followed up," said Bala P Dewa.

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