JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Kemendes PDT) ensures that information regarding the opening of the 2024-2025 Local Village Assistance (PLD) job vacancies circulating on social media is a hoax.

"The Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions has not yet been recruited. So, it can be concluded that the related reports are not true," said Secretary of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Villages PDT Rosyid in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, November 22.

Currently, the Kemendes PDT is taking firm steps, such as reporting irresponsible accounts that disseminate the news because it can harm many parties, including the wider community.

"The steps we will take are that we will report all the accounts that convey this untrue news to the Police. Then we also convey to the Ministry of Communication and Digital so that the accounts that deliver the news are not true or these hoaxes are blocked," he said.

It is known, the news of the opening of the 2024 PLD vacancies spread through pamphlets uploaded via social media. In the pamphlet, which is equipped with a photo of Mendes PDT Yandri Susanto, it is written that the amount of salary to be received is IDR 15,000,000 every month.

In addition, it is also written that there are no fees to be collected. As many as hundreds of accounts have given likes (likes) to posts uploaded by several of these accounts. Therefore Rosyid invited the relevant agencies to jointly respond to this news firmly so as not to take victims.

"We are also following up on submitting letters to all PMD Offices, Village Community Empowerment, to anticipate because the information has claimed many victims. So these accounts receive registrations, which in the end are administrative costs and so on," he said.

Sampai sejauh ini Kemendes PDT belum berencana melakukan rekrutmen PLD. Ke depannya apabila rekrutmen PLD memang akan digelar, informasi terkait hal tersebut akan disampaikan melalui website dan media sosial resmi Kemendes PDT.

- https://voi.id/berita/435047/kejagung-minta-hakim-tolak-gugatan-praperadilan-tom-lembong

- https://voi.id/berita/434959/kejagung-periksa-3-saksi-usut-kasus-korupsi-impor-gula-tom-lembong

- https://voi.id/berita/434969/kpk-duga-bos-pt-eki-beli-pabrik-air-minum-kemasan-senilai-rp60-m-pakai-duit-korupsi-pengadaan-apd

- https://voi.id/berita/434875/uang-suap-ke-dprd-kota-bandung-diusut-kpk-lewat-ketua-dpd-partai-golkar


So far, the Ministry of Villages PDT has not planned to recruit PLD. In the future, if the recruitment of PLD will indeed be held, information related to this will be conveyed through the official website and social media of the Ministry of Villages PDT.

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