JAKARTA - After making history by successfully sending 100.000 units of its first SU7 electric model, the second model from Xiaomi turned out to be included in the agenda.

Based on a report from CNevpost, quoted on Friday, November 22, the launch of the second model of the Chinese technology giant is scheduled for February or March 2025.

This assurance was revealed by one of the unnamed people, but knew the plan that Xiaomi would do for the second model.

"This coincides with previous disclosures by Xiaomi founder and chairman Lei Jun that the production version of the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be officially launched in March 2025," the report said.

Meanwhile, according to other unnamed sources, it was revealed that the second model of the Xiaomi EV would be in line or in line with the launch of its first SU7 model.

"What is certain is that the second vehicle from Xiaomi EV is a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) which is internally named MX11," the report said.

The source also revealed that Xiaomi's second vehicle will share a platform and some components with Xiaomi SU7, but has a unique design with a smooth sideline.

The car will be positioned as Tesla Model Y's direct competitor, the report said.

As previously reported, several times the SUV from Xiaomi was caught on camera testing the road in China, which indicates that the model will soon launch.

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