JAKARTA - Assistant for Government (Aspem) of the Central Jakarta Administration Secretariat, Denny Ramdany conducted a review of the readiness of the 2024 City Level Election Monitoring and Voters Post on Wednesday, January 3.
According to Denny, this post follows up on Governor's Decree Number 6 of 2024 in order to realize the formation of an integrated post for the 2024 General Election.
The National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) in early 2023 has prepared a room, however, the post has finally been moved to the wider SGB ground floor.
"The purpose of this post is to monitor the implementation of elections in the Central Jakarta Administrative City area, to consolidate the discourse on future programs, and as a vehicle for program evaluation," he said, Wednesday, January 3.
Denny said the most important point of this post was the communication and coordination center at the Central Jakarta Administrative City level.
"For this reason, today the placement of seats, party flags, and so on. Hopefully by the afternoon it can be operationalized," he said.
Later, continued Denny, if political party functionaries want to carry out monitoring, discussions about actions in Central Jakarta regarding elections can come to this post.
"The officers themselves, apart from internal ASN Central Jakarta City Administration, are elements of the Resort Police, Kodim and also elements of political parties in this post," he said.
Meanwhile, in the near future, he continued, part of the government, plans to invite the sub-district and village heads regarding the implementation of elections at the sub-district and sub-district levels.
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