The panel of judges at the Medan District Court (PN), North Sumatra, rejected the exception filed by Irfan Satria Putra Lubis alias Ratu Thalisa alias Ratu Entok (40), accused of hate speech through social media and blasphemy related to Jesus Christ.

"Declaring that the defendant's exception submitted through his legal advisor is unacceptable," said Chief Judge Achmad Ukayat when reading the verdict at the Medan District Court as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 9.

According to the panel of judges, the exception of the defendant Ratu Entok had no legal basis. On the other hand, the panel of judges assessed that the indictment of the North Sumatra Public Prosecutor (JPU) had been careful, clear, and complete.

In addition, the panel of judges assessed that the exception of the defendant Ratu Entok had entered the subject matter of the case so that further evidence was needed.

"Ordered the Public Prosecutor to continue the examination of the case. Presenting court fees until the final verdict," said Chief Judge Achmad.

After reading the interlocutory verdict, Chief Judge Achmad Ukayat postponed and continued the trial on Monday (13/1) with the agenda of examining witnesses.

"The prosecutor was asked to present witnesses at the next trial for questioning," said judge Achmad.

North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Erning Kosasih previously in the indictment stated that the blasphemy committed by the defendant Ratu Entok occurred on Wednesday (2/10).

At that time, the defendant Ratu Entok was broadcasting live on social media via her personal TikTok account.

"In the live broadcast, the defendant showed a photo of Jesus as a Lord for Christians while telling him to cut his hair so as not to resemble a woman," he explained.

For his actions, Ratu Entok was charged with violating Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, as stated in the first alternative indictment.

"The defendant was also charged with violating Article 156 A of the Criminal Code regarding blasphemy or blasphemy as the second alternative indictment," said Public Prosecutor Erning.

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