TANGERANG - Fishermen in Ketapang waters, Mauk, Tangerang Regency, Jayadi (professionary name) admitted that they were intimidated when they wanted to protest the installation of a Tangerang sea fence made of bamboo.
At that time, residents jointly protested because of the installation of the fence. However, residents claimed to be visited by one of the people who was considered important in his village, who was usually called Jaro.
Jaro asked residents not to interfere, if they don't want to get into trouble.
"Don't mess around, do you want to be reported by the police? This is a big project," Jayadi said, one of the residents imitating Jaro's words.
After receiving the warning, he chose not to know. Because Jayadi was afraid of the threat.
"Yes, just stay silent, what if the small people are already dealing with the police," he said.
Jayadi admitted that he could only complain about the current situation. Moreover, at this time he and other fishermen have difficulty finding fish because the area of looking for fish is covered by a sea fence.
"Especially at night, it doesn't look," he said.
Previously, Heru, one of the fishermen on Kronjo Island, Tangerang Regency, revealed that the 30 kilometer (km) long wooden fence installed in the middle of the sea is part of the National Strategic Project (PSN) Agung Sedayu Group.
Heru obtained this information after he asked one of the builders who installed the fence.
Said the handyman who installed the fence. They said that, for PSN. Yes, for PSN that's the case, Agung Sedayu Group, PSN Agung Sedayu," said Heru when met by VOI, Thursday, January 9, 2025.
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