JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani made a working visit (kunker) to Freeport, Papua. He encouraged Freeport Indonesia to continue its benefits for the Papuan people.

Puan arrived at Freeport, Tembagapura, Mimika, Central Papua, Saturday 9 December with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif. Puan's arrival was welcomed by Mimika Regent, Eltinus Omaleng, Mimika Police Chief AKBP I Gede Putra, and PT Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas.

Puan said PTFI has become one of the pillars of the Papuan economy through mining and investment activities. He supports PTFI's efforts to be more active in social development, education, and the welfare of local communities.

"PTFI needs to increase its strategic role in Papua in order to maximize the benefits for the local community. This is the main focus in an effort to strengthen the positive impact of the existence of PTFI in the region," said Puan while reviewing Freeport, Sunday, December 10.

Puan said, increasing the role of PTFI in Papua is not just about increasing mining production. Puan said, increasing the role of PTFI for Papua is one of them by continuing to become a sustainable development partner.

"With this step, it is hoped that it can create a greater positive impact on the economic development and welfare of the Papuan people," he said.

"Efforts to support education and local skills training are also considered important in order to provide wider economic opportunities," continued Puan.

On his arrival at Freeport, Puan and her entourage visited the Grasberg Mining area at an altitude of 4,285 meters above sea level, which while still producing uses an open mining method, allowing the use of large heavy equipment such as shoe and large trucks (Haul Truck) to mine materials.

Before arriving at the Grasberg Open Mine, visitors passed the HEAT (Heavy Equipment Access Trail) which is one of the most difficult access roads in the world. This access was made in just 22 months (October 1990-July 1992) by a team led by a nation's son named Ilyas Hamid.

Puan explained that optimizing the role of PTFI will not only provide economic benefits for companies, but can also be a catalyst for improving the quality of life of the Papuan people.

"It is hoped that there will be continuity in joint efforts between related parties in order to realize sustainable and equitable development throughout Papua," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also visited the Underground Mining Operations Office to see the remote control room. For everyone who wants to go deeper into the mining area, they are first required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) clothes.

PTFI's Underground Mining Area itself is an era of progress from a company in which there are active underground mines such as Grassberg Block Cave, Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) and Big Gossan.

On the sidelines of the review, Puan asked PTFI to ensure its commitment in extending the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) which is valid until 2041.

Not only that, Bung Karno's grandson also encouraged PTFI to complete the construction of a copper smelter in the Java Integrated and Industrial Port Estate (JIIPE) area in Gresik, East Java, which currently has reached 76 percent. Puan said, certainty about the contract is very important.

"The progress of certainty in the extension of business licenses as appropriate by PTFI's commitment, this is very important because it can provide legal certainty in doing business. In the business world, it is very important that there is legal certainty," he said.

"The completion of the smelter in Gresik is also a very positive step to realize the industrial downstream program and improve the economy of the surrounding community which will be helped due to its development," added Puan.

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