JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) appealed to the local government to temporarily close the animal market for 14 days if cases of mouth and nail disease (PMK) were found in its area.

Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (PKH) of the Ministry of Agriculture Agung Suganda said, through a letter from the Minister of Agriculture Number B-03/PK.320/M/01/2025 dated January 3, 2025, the Ministry of Agriculture reminded the increase in PMK cases that occurred in December 2024. This must be a serious concern for local governments," Agung said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, December 5.

In the letter, the Ministry of Agriculture suggested several anticipatory steps to local governments, first, tightening supervision of animal traffic, animal products, and disease-carrying media.

Second, closing the animal market for 14 days if a PMK case is found at that location. "This step must be accompanied by cleaning and disinfection of the market," he said.

Third, maximize the role of farmers and the private sector in controlling disease at the regional level.

The closure of the animal market is an urgent step to stop the spread of PMK. Local governments must be quick to protect farmers from greater losses," said Agung.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration between the central and regional governments in dealing with the threat of disease. Cross-sectoral synergy is very important to protect the livestock population and the sustainability of livestock businesses.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture also emphasized the importance of reporting PMK cases or other diseases through iSIKHNAS, the national animal health information system. Farmers are encouraged to immediately report suspected cases through this platform to speed up handling. "Through this report, the animal health team can immediately carry out investigations and treatments on sick livestock," said Agung.

Another step recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture is the implementation of vaccination in healthy animals with a risk-based approach. In addition, farmers are also asked to actively report cases of alleged PMK through the WhatsApp call center service provided by the government. "We want all parties to be involved, from the government to farmers," he added.

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