Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Khoirudin, said that the legislature and executives would accelerate the completion of regulations regarding Jakarta's 15 special powers when they officially became the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) after moving the capital city to the archipelago.
The 15 special powers of the DKJ include public work and spatial planning, public housing and residential areas, investment, transportation, the environment, industry, tourism and the creative economy, trade, education, health, culture, population control and family planning, population administration and civil registration, marine and fisheries, and employment.
These 15 matters that are the special authority of Jakarta are contained in Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning DKJ. Later, these 15 affairs will be regulated in regional regulations targeted for completion this year.
"I hope (the regulation of Jakarta's 15 special powers) can be completed in 2025, before the two years the deadline ends," said Khoirudin in his statement, Sunday, January 5.
In fact, the DPRD plans to prepare an additional budget for the APBD changes for the 2025 fiscal year. This additional budget will be used to compile academic texts by academics.
"The budget is for academics, campuses that have legal faculties to prepare drafting, consulting on 15 powers," he said.
The academic manuscript, which will be a reference for the preparation of this regional regulation, continued Khoirudin, will contain the norms, standards, procedures, criteria, rights and obligations of Jakarta. Thus, 15 powers from the central government to the regions can be added to the source of local revenue (PAD) for Jakarta.
He also hopes that the DKI Provincial Government will immediately prepare all devices regarding regulations after DKI Jakarta to become DKIJ. The hope is to be able to improve the quality of service to the community.
"This means that Jakarta has the authority to make decisions, provide policies for the good of Jakarta residents, whose bureaucracy has reached the center, now makes it easier," he concluded.
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