JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, was insinuated about the status of a suspect in a corruption case handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This happened when Eddy Hiariej accompanied the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly, to attend a working meeting at Commission III of the DPR. It is known that Eddy Hiariej was charged with the article on accepting bribes and gratuities.
"In front of us, apart from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, there is Wamenkumham. There is a deputy minister of law and human rights who, does anyone not know his status? Which by all parties is known to be his status, the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights is TSK (suspect). The KPK has named a suspect," said member of Commission III DPR, Benny K Harman in a working meeting at the DPR building, Tuesday, November 21.
The Democrat politician then asked Eddy to explain about his current legal status. Because Benny did not like it if a suspect attended a DPR meeting.
"I think so that our work meeting is not flawed, sir, what is this term, if possible, the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights before the Minister of Law and Human Rights explained the questions asked by Commission III first to explain this status. Otherwise, we propose that the person concerned is not in this room," said Benny.
"Therefore, we ask that it be clear about this first," he added.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Habiburokhman gave Eddy Hiariej the opportunity to attend a meeting to accompany Yasonna.
"So, Mr. Benny, please, Mr. Benny, there will be an opportunity to speak to Mr. Benny's opinion. Meanwhile, the issue of what status is called colleagues who are currently not relevant to this trial. So we will continue, Mr. Menkumham, please," said Habiburokhman.
The KPK confirmed that it had named Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej as a suspect. He was charged with the alleged article of accepting bribes and gratuities.
"At the determination of the suspect Wamenkumham, it is true, we signed it about two weeks ago," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at a press conference at the KPK office, Thursday, November 9.
According to Alex, there are three other suspects next to Wamenkumham Eddy Hiairej. Of the four suspects, three people are suspected of accepting bribes and gratuities. One person is suspected of giving bribes.
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