West Java's Leadership Transition, Ridwan Kamil Symbolizes Handing Over Kujang Pusaka To Bey
Ridwan Kamil (right) handed over the heirloom title of the West Java leadership symbol to the Acting Governor of West Java Bey Sazi at Gasibu Field, Bandung City, Tuesday (5/9/2023). (ANTARA/Ricky Prayoga)

Ridwan Kamil handed over the heirloom arena to his successor Acting Governor of West Java Bey Kalioni Machmudin at Gasibu Field, Bandung City, West Java, Tuesday, September 5 evening.

The handover of the heirloom arena is a symbol of moving the helm of leadership in West Java Province.

"Right at 17.20 WIB, September 5, 2023, I, Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java 2018-2023, handed over the heirloom arena as a symbol of transferring authority and power to the acting governor of West Java according to his tenure," said Ridwan Kamil.

Kang Emil, Ridwan Kamil's nickname, hopes that West Java under the leadership of Bey Machmudin will remain a province that has the spirit of a narrow and inner champion.

"A spirit that if spoken slowly becomes a prayer and is shouted at becomes an encouragement; it can still burn in the land of Pasundan, which we love. Leave the people of West Java, the people who are very loyal to the governments of the Republic of Indonesia and West Java," said Emil.

He also hopes that Bey Machmudin can carry out his duties well and smoothly.

"I pray that Mr. Bey and Mrs.'s duties are smooth, get blessings from Allah SWT and continue to bring West Java to be born and inner champions," he said.

In the handover of the position, apart from the delegation of governor positions, Atalia Praratya, Ridwan Kamil's wife, also handed over her position in around seven organizations, such as the head of Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) and Bunda Paud to Amanda Sumedi, Bey's wife.

After the handover ceremony for the symbolic event, Bey hoped for assistance from all ranks of the West Java Provincial Government in carrying out the mandate as the Acting Governor.

"There is a deposit from Kang Emil to protect West Java champions. God willing, we will take care of it together. Of course, what has been good will be continued, what is not perfected," said Bey.

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