BOGOR - Bogor City Government (Pemkot) refuses to implement Inmendagri Number 2 of 2023 concerning Air Pollution Control in the Jabodetabek area related to working from home or working from home for government scope workers. This was said by the Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya in his mandate of 8 air pollution control measures at Bogor City Hall, Friday, August 25. "The Bogor City Government did not apply WFH thoroughly with the consideration of the effectiveness of employee performance, except for employees with high risk such as pregnant women, employees with a history of ispa diseases, and other vulnerable groups," said Bima. In accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs or the Minister of Home Affairs Number 2 of 2023 concerning Air Pollution Control in the Jabodetabek area.Bima said, several points such as tomorrow, August 26 will be shown on the videotron of the city of Bogor related to information on the level of pollution indicators as a form of citizen awareness. If the indicator shows red color, then residents are advised to use masks to apply a 4 in 1 policy for 4-wheeled vehicles that enter the office environment in the Bogor City Government Scope, except for those using electric vehicles. In addition, the Bogor City DLH carries out periodic emission tests for motorized vehicles in areas throughout Bogor City. The Bogor City Transportation Agency together with elements of the Bogor City conducts KIR tests and prosecutions for public vehicles (angkots) that are already over 20 years old and exceed the vehicle emission test threshold. Bima Arya also appealed to students to use public transportation and school parties to increase shuttle services so as to reduce delivery/pick-up private vehicles.

Camat dan Lurah untuk melakukan penindakan sesuai Perda Trantibum apabila adanya aktivitas warga yang membakar sampah di wilayah masing-masing.Poin terakhir, aparatur Camat dan Lurah bekerja sama dengan Dinas Damkar Kota Bogor melakukan sputtering terhadap wilayah-region yang memiliki potensi pollusi ibu tertinggi dan dapat mengganggu aktivitas warga.

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